Summer Camp
Boy Scout Summer Camp. . .
Earn Merit Badges Eat & CHEER & Sing in the Allen Memorial Dining Hall Play camp wide games against other Troops Meet New Friends Be a Waiter Learn Knots & other neat stuff Enjoy Ice Cream Sundaes
Thursday is outpost day – we eat in camp! Have Fun!
Summer Camp 2024
Get Ready!
Complete Boy Scout Uniform – Class A for Marching and Class B for traveling
Foot locker – with a combination lock or key (backpacks do not work at Summer Camp)
Bring lots of energy. . .good manners . . enthusiasm & the ability to follow the rules
Depart !!
Sunday - Be at the parking lot by the Scout Storage Building by 9:00 am
CLASS B Uniform: Troop 95 GRAY t-shirt, Scout Shorts with a belt, Scout Socks – green & red, Troop Hat, Dark Hiking Boots. . . .NO LONG SCOUT PANTS!
Have your CLASS A Uniform on a coat hanger with your NAME in the COLLAR. Please pin your neckerchief to the uniform (and make sure your NAME is written in the neckerchief) and have your slide in the pocket or footlocker. Eagle Scouts may bring their Eagle neckerchief.
OA Arrowmen. . . please pack your OA sash.
Please bring a PACKED LUNCH. We will stop along the way to eat lunch.
Family Day!
Friday is Family Day!
Camp wide competitions for Paul Bunyan or Water Carnival
Parents should plan on coming up for the day to enjoy the event.
Be there by 11:30 a.m. – if you can! Bring your lawn chairs, wear comfortable shoes for walking around camp (please - no flip flops or crocs).
Bring your son (and yourself) a picnic lunch to enjoy.
After the camp wide competitions, scouts get in full Class A uniform & will march at Retreat, everyone enjoys their picnic dinner.
Saturday - Arrive at Parking lot at Scout Storage Building
Time sent out on Remind 101
Parent Information
PARENTS: It is strongly recommended that parents DO NOT VISIT during the week but plan on coming up on Saturday (as noted above). During the week Scouts need to be focused on scout activities. They will be allowed to call home, if needed, but will only be given 5 minutes to talk (any longer may create a problem if the scout is slightly homesick). Thank you for following this request.
NEW SCOUTS: Will be in the Trailblazer Program which is designed to teach many of the Under First Class skills needed. They will also earn the First Aid Merit Badge (Eagle required).
PHYSICALS: We understand the issues with insurance companies
Mailing address:
Camp Horseshoe
(Scout’s Name) & Troop 95
Timberline Campsite
1286 Ridge Road
Rising Sun, MD 21911
Phone #: 717-548-2525 (emergencies ONLY)
Email: www.octoraro22@org.hsr